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We cannot stop disaster but minimize its impact by preparing ourselves better for landslides. The Government of India has made plans to identify the areas where landslides occur repeatedly. This is achieved through Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) maps which shows or demarcates areas by different colors. NDMA has published a guideline on Landslides and Snow Avalanches as given on its website. Following are the precautionary measures for landslides in the form of do's and dont's as given below:


  • Prepare tour to hilly region according to information given by weather department or news channel.
  • Move away from landslide path or downstream valleys quickly without wasting time.
  • Keep drains clean,
  • Inspect drains for - litter, leaves, plastic bags, rubble etc.
  • Keep the weep holes open.
  • Grow more trees that can hold the soil through roots,
  • Identify areas of rock fall and subsidence of buildings, cracks that indicate landslides and move to safer areas. Even muddy river waters indicate landslides upstream.
  • Notice such signals and contact the nearest Tehsil or District Head Quarters.
  • Ensure that toe of slope is not cut, remains protected, don't uproot trees unless re-vegetation is planned.
  • Listen for unusual sounds such as trees cracking or boulders knocking together.
  • Stay alert, awake and active (3A's) during the impact or probability of impact.
  • Locate and go to shelters,


  • Try to avoid construction and staying in vulnerable areas.
  • Do not panic and loose energy by crying.
  • Do not touch or walk over loose material and electrical wiring or pole.
  • Do not built houses near steep slopes and near drainage path.
  • Do not drink contaminated water directly from rivers, springs, wells but rain water if collected directly without is fine.
  • Do not move an injured person without rendering first aid unless the casualty is in immediate danger.