Biological Disaster

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Do's & Dont's


  • Plan for Family Biological Disaster Plan
  • Eat nutritious and balanced food.
  • Immunisation state should be upto date.
  • Health Education.
  • Surveillance.
  • Don’t pay attention to the rumours and don’t spread rumours.

Do's & Dont's


  • Hand Hygiene.
  • Encourage drinking of water from a safe source or water that has been disinfected (chlorinated). Add bleaching powder in all community wells at regular intervals. Use water pumped out from India Mark II hand pumps, if installed in the village/community.
  • Drink boiled potable water in an emergency that has been boiled for at least 15 minutes and consumed it the same day.
  • Ensure cooked meat and poultry is safe and no part of the meat discoloured or foul smelling, or in the case of egg, their shells are not cracked.
  • Take part in preparing disaster management plan for the community and identify safe shelter along with safe and easy access routes.
  • Adequate number of personal protective equipments needs to be made available, to deal with emergency situation.


Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are having respiratory illness.
  • The sick person should stay at home, and avoid going into the community, school/office, public places for at least 24 hours after symptoms have resolved.
  • Triple layer surgical Mask of standard and certified make should be worn by Suspected/ probable/confirmed cases of influenza or by the care provider in home care settings and close family contacts of such cases undergoing home care.
  • Persons who have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath should seek immediate medical attention and report to the nearby hospital.
  • If sick persons must go into the community (e.g., to seek medical care), then they should wear a face mask or use a handkerchief or tissues to cover any coughing and sneezing so as to reduce the risk of spreading the infection in the community.
  • Immunization status should be upto date as per National Universal Immunisation Programme.



  • Follow “sun-down sleeves-down” approach. Wear clothes that cover arms and legs.
  • Prevent water collections on ground and other places to prevent malaria breeding.
  • Empty water containers at least once a week.
  • Remove water from coolers from time to time.
  • Cover and seal any septic tanks.
  • Use Mosquito Nets preferably Insecticide Treated Bed Nets (ITBN).
  • Apply insect repellants while sleeping to keep away mosquitoes.
  • Seek medical advice in case of rashes, mental irritation or unconsciousness.



  • Do not encourage children to wear shorts and half sleeved clothing.
  • Do not allow water to stagnate.
  • Do not allow discarded items to accumulate such as tires, tubes, empty coconut shells, household items and objects wherein water may collect.
  • Do not bathe in village ponds and allow cattle to take bath in the same pond.